Rhett Butler

  • 网络白瑞德;瑞德·巴特勒;瑞特巴特勒;白瑞特
Rhett ButlerRhett Butler
  1. I shall tell them all to go to halifax , she thought , and Rhett Butler will be the first one !


  2. She was standing on the corner , uncertain as to what she would do next , ashamed to go home to Aunt Pitty 's but determined not to go back to the hospital , when Rhett Butler drove by .


  3. I hear you were turned out of West Point Mr. Rhett Butler .


  4. " I want to see a prisoner , captain Rhett butler . "


  5. CHARLES : I hear you were turned out of West Point Mr. Rhett Butler .


  6. Make Rhett Butler pay for them .


  7. " What a beautiful gesture ," said Rhett Butler , softly .


  8. Suddenly she thought of Rhett Butler and calm dispelled her fears .


  9. That 's something you will never hear from me , Rhett Butler , as long as you live !


  10. Especially the eye of Rhett butler !


  11. If there was any way of getting a horse , Rhett Butler would get one . a smart man , rhett .


  12. Rhett butler : it seems we 've been at cross purposes , doesn 't it ?


  13. Rhett Butler , to Scarlett , answering her question of where to go , what to do


  14. He disapproved heartily of Rhett Butler and poor Pitty knew it .


  15. I 'm not afraid of you , Rhett butler , or of any man in shoe leather !


  16. Oh , men were so vile , and Rhett Butler was the worst of them all !


  17. Rhett Butler : A classic of Irony


  18. During those days of anxiety and struggle there was only one dependable , understanding person in her world , and that person was Rhett butler .


  19. Published in 1936 , the sweeping tale of Scarlett O'Hara and the dashing Rhett Butler was an instant success .


  20. It would be exciting to have Rhett Butler in love with her and admitting it and begging for a kiss or a smile .


  21. Scarlett suddenly remembered the day of the Wilkes barbecue when she and Cathleen had whispered together about Rhett butler .


  22. Scarlett 's eyes turned to Rhett butler , who leaned against a tree , his hands shoved deep in his trouser pockets .


  23. In a fund-raising dance , Rhett Butler , who was famous for crossing the military cordon to provide supplies for South army , begun to pursue Scarlett .


  24. Rhett butler ? The name had a familiar sound , somehow connected with something pleasantly scandalous , but her mind was on Ashley and she dismissed the thought .


  25. And Rhett Butler had never had the decency to conceal his relations with her , so it was obvious that he and no other must be that backer .


  26. There were many things she kept from her mother these days . But , most of all , she kept secret the fact that Rhett Butler called frequently at Aunt Pittypat 's house .


  27. " You are a clever , black-hearted wretch , Rhett butler , and you know very well this bonnet 's too pretty to be refused . "


  28. As her eyes wandered from melanie , she caught the gaze of Rhett butler , who was not mixing with the crowd but standing apart talking to John wilkes .


  29. SCARLETT : You 're a conceited , black-hearted varmint , Rhett Butler , and I don 't know why I let you come and seeme .


  30. The grinning little man was coming to their booth now , his basket heavy on his arm , and as he passed Rhett Butler a handsome gold cigar case was thrown carelessly into the basket .
